Looking at my own life and that of my friends recently, I have to say I'm shocked. It would appear that with the advancement of modern technology, workplaces are slowly creeping back to the dark ages.
Living in a civilised society I learnt in history class about our progress past feudal societies and the breakthrough of the trade unions. I was told I was lucky to live in the first world people could work in fair conditions and get paid for the work they do. Recently I've had to question whether this is in fact true.
Take my husband, for example, he has a very good job with a lot of responsibility. He does his job well and is committed to his employer. They repay this by expecting him to work very long hours with no overtime. He has a dastardly Blackberry, whose little red light ensures that as long as Skip is awake he's got at least some of his mind on the job. Holidays? That's just dealing with work from a different location. Unfortunately, his employer expects this kind of dedication. It's what's needed to do the job apparently.
My husband is far from unusual, a lot of people I know work in a similar. It's the norm, these days. Admittedly I'm probably a little bitter today as I've had to drive Skip to the airport yet again for another work jaunt.
Technology has ensured that employers are able to get last pound of flesh out their staff. Blackberries, laptops, iPhones, whatever - people can now work from public transport, at home, on weekends, when sick, when on holidays, whenever. No longer can people leave work at work and walk out the door and have a life. Life is the little bits that happens when the Blackberry isn't flashing.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in good honest hard work, I just feel that work has slowly crept more and more and more into 'off' hours and family life. Maybe we've been so bedazzled by technology and the ease of it we've allowed it to take over too much. Technology has insidiously become so much a part of our lives we can't seem to turn it off, we just blindly accept that's how it has to be.
Never giving people a break, time to rest their minds or live their lives is incredibly dangerous. Our workers should be more than robots who we replace when they've burnt out. Has our society become so disposable that we think: "Oh well, if they can't do the job anymore, we'll get someone else who can." It undermines the respect we should have knowledge and experience.
In the mean time, I encourage those around me who live like that to take time out for themselves. Visit places that are incommunicado, turn off your mind with yoga and meditation, do lots of exercise, take care of yourself. Though these are only band-aid solutions.
I often hear from people I know, strangers on the radio, in the line at the supermarket that it's 'just what you have to do' and 'it will be worth it one day'. I have my doubts.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Look at me way over here!
When I started blogging almost 12 months ago, I never could have imagined what it would bring to my life. A wonderful way to express myself, make amazing friends and discover new people, places and ideas.
One of the best bloggers I've become acquainted with is Katherine Jenkins, an inspiring woman from Seattle, who through her blog is writing 365 lessons (one for each day of the year). Kathy is currently writing a book called Lessons from the Monk I Married, a memoir about what she has learnt through life and marrying her Korean Buddhist monk husband.
If you haven't checked out her blog, I highly recommend it. Her 'lessons' are beautifully written and always seem to be so timely. An extra reason to go check it out is that Kathy has given me the most wonderful honour by allowing me to write one of her lessons. Go have a look: Lessons from the Monk I Married
Have a wonderful weekend!
One of the best bloggers I've become acquainted with is Katherine Jenkins, an inspiring woman from Seattle, who through her blog is writing 365 lessons (one for each day of the year). Kathy is currently writing a book called Lessons from the Monk I Married, a memoir about what she has learnt through life and marrying her Korean Buddhist monk husband.
If you haven't checked out her blog, I highly recommend it. Her 'lessons' are beautifully written and always seem to be so timely. An extra reason to go check it out is that Kathy has given me the most wonderful honour by allowing me to write one of her lessons. Go have a look: Lessons from the Monk I Married
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, 27 May 2010
It never rains but pours
This old cliche is so true for me at the moment – literally and figuratively. The weather in Sydney has been rain, lots and lots and lots of pouring torrential rain. Which has matched the state of my life at the moment.
Lots and lots of things on my plate all happening at once. Never one thing at a time, no that would be too easy. Though I do believe things happen for a reason and at the same time a set of skills, support or strength appears, some times almost magically, to help you through.
So you pull on your gum boots, drag out the brolly and get on with it. Always remembering to stop and jump in the puddles occasionally and watch out for rainbows too.
Lots and lots of things on my plate all happening at once. Never one thing at a time, no that would be too easy. Though I do believe things happen for a reason and at the same time a set of skills, support or strength appears, some times almost magically, to help you through.
So you pull on your gum boots, drag out the brolly and get on with it. Always remembering to stop and jump in the puddles occasionally and watch out for rainbows too.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Damn fine advice
I have been a Twin Peaks fan since the beginning. I have to say it is my all time favourite TV series. When it first screened I used to tape it and watch it over and over until the tapes disintegrated, I kid you not. As the years passed I actually bought the series on VHS and eventually upgraded to DVD. Twin Peaks started also started my love affair with coffee.
For me, there is no better way to wile away a wet afternoon under a doona, block of chocky at my side and a Twin Peaks marathon on the screen.
Today seems like the most perfect day to share one of my most favourite scenes and advice I try to live by:
For me, there is no better way to wile away a wet afternoon under a doona, block of chocky at my side and a Twin Peaks marathon on the screen.
Today seems like the most perfect day to share one of my most favourite scenes and advice I try to live by:
Friday, 21 May 2010
Horsing around
Tomorrow is time to hit the track again. I'm really looking forward to it. After being a single mum all week, up numerous times a night, up horrifically early and more play-doh than you can poke a stick at, I'm ready to play with the adults and have a glass of bubbles. At least for a couple of hours.
Now all I have to do decide is which outfit to wear and to pick some winners.
What are you doing this weekend?
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Hair-curling double standards
This morning I escaped to the hair dresser to tame my locks into something vaguely suitable for public display. I generally hate going to the hairdresser but since becoming a mum, it's an opportunity to sit hassle-free, have a coffee and read some trashy mags.
My hairdresser today was Antonio. A young Italian guy who looks like he could be a model, long curly hair pulled back haphazardly. Not really my type, but definitely attractive. As he was putting foils in my hair we had a conversation that went like this: "Would you think about perming your hair?"
I replied: "No, I don't think so."
"Don't you like curly hair?"
"I like it very much, I'm just not sure if I want to get a perm." Thinking, does anyone get perms anymore?
As if reading my thoughts, he said: "I permed my hair just last week."
All of a sudden, his cool, carefree curls seemed silly. Instead of a trendy effortless looker, he was suddenly a primped poodle. My opinion of him suddenly dropped a few levels.
Then I looked at myself – foils in hair trying to achieve 'natural' golden, sun-kissed highlights, silently judging a male hairdresser for attending to his hair.
What was that all about? Why was it OK for me to get a little 'assistance' to look good, but he couldn't?
It's funny, because I'm generally not really an 'appearances' kind of person. I don't really go into labels, go weeks without wearing make-up (days without brushing my hair), find shopping a complete bore. I don't mind people who do, in fact some times I wish I was more into 'keeping up appearances' but it's just too much hard work. I don't really care what kind of look someone is into – goth, preppie, trendy, mod, metal, bogan – if they're an interesting person then that's all that matters to me.
So why, was I judging this hairdresser? Was it because a male was straying to traditionally female ground? Had I been betrayed my a curly-haired man in past? As I sat in that hairdressers chair, I pondered all the possible deep answers to this curly question. Hmmm what a conundrum.
After racking my brains, the only reason reason I can come up with is that perms are just a little too 1987 for me. Sad, but true.
My hairdresser today was Antonio. A young Italian guy who looks like he could be a model, long curly hair pulled back haphazardly. Not really my type, but definitely attractive. As he was putting foils in my hair we had a conversation that went like this: "Would you think about perming your hair?"
I replied: "No, I don't think so."
"Don't you like curly hair?"
"I like it very much, I'm just not sure if I want to get a perm." Thinking, does anyone get perms anymore?
As if reading my thoughts, he said: "I permed my hair just last week."
All of a sudden, his cool, carefree curls seemed silly. Instead of a trendy effortless looker, he was suddenly a primped poodle. My opinion of him suddenly dropped a few levels.
Then I looked at myself – foils in hair trying to achieve 'natural' golden, sun-kissed highlights, silently judging a male hairdresser for attending to his hair.
What was that all about? Why was it OK for me to get a little 'assistance' to look good, but he couldn't?
It's funny, because I'm generally not really an 'appearances' kind of person. I don't really go into labels, go weeks without wearing make-up (days without brushing my hair), find shopping a complete bore. I don't mind people who do, in fact some times I wish I was more into 'keeping up appearances' but it's just too much hard work. I don't really care what kind of look someone is into – goth, preppie, trendy, mod, metal, bogan – if they're an interesting person then that's all that matters to me.
So why, was I judging this hairdresser? Was it because a male was straying to traditionally female ground? Had I been betrayed my a curly-haired man in past? As I sat in that hairdressers chair, I pondered all the possible deep answers to this curly question. Hmmm what a conundrum.
After racking my brains, the only reason reason I can come up with is that perms are just a little too 1987 for me. Sad, but true.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so
When I was three, I wanted to be a princess, Wonder Woman or a check-out chick. None of these came to fruition, though there are some days I feel like Wonder Woman, without the invisible plane, of course.
This is why it came as a great surprise to me when my own three-year-old told me what she wants to do when she is a grown up. Apparently it's her dream to open a sushi restaurant.
Goodness, I hadn't even tasted sushi when I was three, let alone had dreams of opening a Japanese eatery. I have no doubt that she'll achieve this dream, too. Lil-lil loves cooking – pretend and real. She always offers to help with dinner and spends countless hours chefing up a storm on her wooden stove. Lucky Goosey gets endless 'meals' made for her.
This morning, with a bowl full of over-ripe bananas sitting on our kitchen bench and the rain coming down outside, we made delicious banana bread. Lil-lil was in pure culinary heaven.
Yesterday, as we killed a wet afternoon looking at the toy section of Kmart, Lil-lil spotted what was more than culinary heaven – it was her culinary nirvana.
Also, I'm happy to announce The Littlest Witch giveaway winner. So, congratulations to Sarah! I've emailed you about getting the book to you, I just hope you don't lose it ;)
This is why it came as a great surprise to me when my own three-year-old told me what she wants to do when she is a grown up. Apparently it's her dream to open a sushi restaurant.
Goodness, I hadn't even tasted sushi when I was three, let alone had dreams of opening a Japanese eatery. I have no doubt that she'll achieve this dream, too. Lil-lil loves cooking – pretend and real. She always offers to help with dinner and spends countless hours chefing up a storm on her wooden stove. Lucky Goosey gets endless 'meals' made for her.
This morning, with a bowl full of over-ripe bananas sitting on our kitchen bench and the rain coming down outside, we made delicious banana bread. Lil-lil was in pure culinary heaven.
Yesterday, as we killed a wet afternoon looking at the toy section of Kmart, Lil-lil spotted what was more than culinary heaven – it was her culinary nirvana.
That's right it's a toy Japanese restaurant set. Menus, place mats, bowls, chopsticks, tea set, hand rolls, maki rolls, gyoza, nigiri, tempura, agadashi tofu, soy sauce and wasabi. Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull. She's now hoping she opens this baby on her birthday morning. How could I resist?
Also, I'm happy to announce The Littlest Witch giveaway winner. So, congratulations to Sarah! I've emailed you about getting the book to you, I just hope you don't lose it ;)
Monday, 17 May 2010
Chills and spills
Wow, what a chilly day it is out there. Especially after spending the weekend in the warmer climes of Queensland. Grey and wet, there's not much to do except play-doh, puzzles and drawing next to the heater. So far today we've made play-doh birthday cakes for Dorothy the Dinosaur and drawn some wonderful pictures.
The girls and I did have a little excitement this morning, after being runner-up in another giveaway, gorgeous photographer Rowe Timson came over to shoot the girls. We frolicked in the park, picked flowers and got some gorgeous shots. I can not wait to see them as I think they're going to be sensational. I've been so lucky to be a runner up in two giveaways this week and in the process met some lovely ladies. I highly recommend you to enter some bloggy giveaways too – hey, like mine below that ends tonight!
Yet, another spell as a single mum this week as Skip is away until Friday. He seems to be away more than he's at home lately, and we all miss him. So expect a lot of blogging to fill in the evenings this week!
Hope you're all keeping snug.
Image: freedigitalphotos.net
The girls and I did have a little excitement this morning, after being runner-up in another giveaway, gorgeous photographer Rowe Timson came over to shoot the girls. We frolicked in the park, picked flowers and got some gorgeous shots. I can not wait to see them as I think they're going to be sensational. I've been so lucky to be a runner up in two giveaways this week and in the process met some lovely ladies. I highly recommend you to enter some bloggy giveaways too – hey, like mine below that ends tonight!
Yet, another spell as a single mum this week as Skip is away until Friday. He seems to be away more than he's at home lately, and we all miss him. So expect a lot of blogging to fill in the evenings this week!
Hope you're all keeping snug.
Image: freedigitalphotos.net
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Hello, again and guess where I am?
I'm back! After a stressful few weeks and holding myself together for this weekend, I, of course, got sick just before I boarded the plane. High fever, sniffles, not much fun.
I still made sure I enjoyed myself, and had time with Skip. I also enjoyed a great sleep in. Brisvegas is a nice place to spend a weekend. Even if I was baffled by the locals, some dressed in sundresses others in huge coats and scarves.
One really lovely thing that happened while I was away – I was chosen as Sharnanigans' Friday Fertiliser. Sharnanigans is a great website hosted by Sharni Montgomery, a lovely lass who's not only smart and funny but now a good friend. She's said some really nice words about me and my blog that made me blush like mad. Please, go and check out Sharnanigans .
See you Monday!
I still made sure I enjoyed myself, and had time with Skip. I also enjoyed a great sleep in. Brisvegas is a nice place to spend a weekend. Even if I was baffled by the locals, some dressed in sundresses others in huge coats and scarves.
One really lovely thing that happened while I was away – I was chosen as Sharnanigans' Friday Fertiliser. Sharnanigans is a great website hosted by Sharni Montgomery, a lovely lass who's not only smart and funny but now a good friend. She's said some really nice words about me and my blog that made me blush like mad. Please, go and check out Sharnanigans .
See you Monday!
Friday, 14 May 2010
Bye bye!
Bye all! Off to Brisvegas for the weekend. Don't forget to enter the giveaway for The Littlest Witch below.
Have a top weekend one and all!
Have a top weekend one and all!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Polly Dolly
Danimezza has a weekly challenge to put together a Polyore image every week with a different theme. It seemed like a really fun idea, so I've decided to play along. This week's theme is Dressed to Blog.
Here's my creation:
Here's my creation:
Snoozing to groove
Today I feel like a race car, speeding around the track, in desperate need of fuel and some new tyres so I can continue the race. The pits are just ahead, but my engine is starting to sputter, running only on fumes. I just need to get to those pits, can I make it?
To save myself some fuel, I'm going to repost one of my first ever posts. It's feels relevant as, once again, I'm getting ready to start a yoga class. I hope you enjoy it. Remember, I'm still giving away a copy of The Littlest Witch, please enter as it's open to all my followers in Australia and overseas.
To save myself some fuel, I'm going to repost one of my first ever posts. It's feels relevant as, once again, I'm getting ready to start a yoga class. I hope you enjoy it. Remember, I'm still giving away a copy of The Littlest Witch, please enter as it's open to all my followers in Australia and overseas.
I've been thinking about joining a yoga class. I've tried yoga before and have to admit I was pretty crap at it. Really crap, actually.
I love the idea of it, though. All those poses creating a flexible, toned body. Feeling completely zen and blissed out at the end of class. I even like the idea of carrying around a yoga mat under my arm, so that while I'm ordering my chai latte everyone around will know - I DO YOGA!
The reality is, once in class I can never quite get the poses right. My body grinds, shudders and shakes as my bones click and crack away. I may just get a pose and then quickly collapse while the teacher has her back turned. The worst part comes at the end of the class with the final 5 minute meditation, as I inevitably fall asleep. This may not sound too bad, but I always end up snoring and then have to look around as I'm leaving the class mouthing 'Who was that snoring?' to put everyone off the scent. And this was before I had kids, I'm sure I'll be asleep with the first 5 minutes of class these days.
So why am I considering going back? Well, my back and arm is in complete agony these days after many nights sleeping on the couch while holding Goosey. I need to do some sort of exercise now I've cancelled my gym membership. I need some stress release after looking after two young kids day-in, day -out.
If you see someone snoring away at your next yoga class, please let them sleep – it might the only kip they get!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
The Littlest Witch - review and giveaway!
The first of a new trilogy for tweens, The Littlest Witch introduces us to triplets Gwen, Nel and Rain. Turning 13 has been more difficult than the triplets expected – instead of worrying about school, pimples and boys, the girls discover some family secrets that are going to turn their world upside down. Gwen finds out she's a witch, Nel discovers she's an elf and fashion-loving Rain realises she a vampire (and not the Edward Cullen-type of vampire either). Not only do the girls have to hone their new magic powers while juggling school, but they also have to fight an evil witch which threatens their world.
This is exactly the kind of book I would have loved when I was a youngster, plenty of action and great characters that have me hanging out for the next installment. The wonderful storyline would have had me dreaming about what I would've done if I could read people's thoughts. Let's admit it, I would have been secretly hoping that I'd discover I was a witch just like Gwen.
I must confess that the author Martine Allars is a friend, but she's also a very talented writer and possibly one of the nicest people in the world. As a former editor of Barbie magazine and current editor of Disney Girl, she knows how to write for young girls. So if you have a young woman in your life I highly recommend The Littlest Witch. Available in good (Australian) bookshops.
Martine has generously given me a signed copy to giveaway to one of my readers (I told you she was one of the nicest people in the world). So if you would like to win, all you have to do is be one of my followers and tell me in 25 words or less how you create magic in your life. The competition ends midnight, Monday 17 May, 2010. The winner will be announced here on Tuesday 18 May, 2010.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Here comes the sun
Everything has been pretty unsettled in my neck of the woods the past week or so. The kids have been sick, poor Lil-lil with pneumonia. Skip has come down with the nasty bug too. Sleep has been a distant memory. We had to cancel a family member's birthday celebration and then Mothers' Day.
To top things off, Goosey fell and split her chin open this morning, resulting in a trip to get it glued up (stitches are out these days apparently). She was such a brave little soul, not a whimper or a flinch while she was patched up. Even the doctor genuinely said that she was the bravest little patient he'd ever had.
Reading around in the blogosphere it seems like my family isn't the only one to be having a rough time of it. I hope that things brighten up for everyone soon.
I can't wait for the weekend as I'm going to Brisvegas. Skip is up there for work and I'm joining him for some R&R. The kids are staying with their grandmothers. Sleep-ins, lazy afternoons and delish food will be in order. I'm hoping to come home refreshed and recharged. That the sun will come out from behind the clouds and life will settle down a bit.
Now, I just need your help. For all those who know Brissie, can you recommend a good restaurant?
Image: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
To top things off, Goosey fell and split her chin open this morning, resulting in a trip to get it glued up (stitches are out these days apparently). She was such a brave little soul, not a whimper or a flinch while she was patched up. Even the doctor genuinely said that she was the bravest little patient he'd ever had.
Reading around in the blogosphere it seems like my family isn't the only one to be having a rough time of it. I hope that things brighten up for everyone soon.
I can't wait for the weekend as I'm going to Brisvegas. Skip is up there for work and I'm joining him for some R&R. The kids are staying with their grandmothers. Sleep-ins, lazy afternoons and delish food will be in order. I'm hoping to come home refreshed and recharged. That the sun will come out from behind the clouds and life will settle down a bit.
Now, I just need your help. For all those who know Brissie, can you recommend a good restaurant?
Image: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Prize effort
On Sunday I was lucky enough to win a prize over at Sharni's website Sharnanigans. I was very excited, it helped make my Mothers Day. I was so excited that I have already claimed my prize, how's that for eager?
After this lovely win, I decided it was time to give the love back. Sooooo I have my very first little giveaway coming up, make sure you stay tuned!
After this lovely win, I decided it was time to give the love back. Sooooo I have my very first little giveaway coming up, make sure you stay tuned!
Monday, 10 May 2010
Domestic ditz
There are some chores I really don't mind doing. I quite like washing up, it really doesn't bother me at all, which is funny as I know some people loathe it. I don't even mind cleaning the toilet or the bathroom. I always feel a sense of accomplishment after doing it – there's nothing like a sparkling clean bathroom.
The one thing I really hate doing is putting the laundry away. More often than not, there is an overflowing basket of clean clothes in my house waiting to be put away. I don't mind washing the clothes or hanging them out of the line. Putting them away is a whole different matter. Why? I really don't know.
I'm a bit hung up on housework today, I apologise as I know it doesn't make particularly interesting blog fodder. I've just sacked my cleaner as he wasn't doing a great job. I kept feeling like the dollars could be spent better elsewhere and I could be doing a more meticulous job of it anyway. So, sniff, cleaner is gone.
Is there one domestic duty that you struggle with? Or is my clean washing phobia just plain odd?
The one thing I really hate doing is putting the laundry away. More often than not, there is an overflowing basket of clean clothes in my house waiting to be put away. I don't mind washing the clothes or hanging them out of the line. Putting them away is a whole different matter. Why? I really don't know.
I'm a bit hung up on housework today, I apologise as I know it doesn't make particularly interesting blog fodder. I've just sacked my cleaner as he wasn't doing a great job. I kept feeling like the dollars could be spent better elsewhere and I could be doing a more meticulous job of it anyway. So, sniff, cleaner is gone.
Is there one domestic duty that you struggle with? Or is my clean washing phobia just plain odd?
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Mama mia!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there. I hope tomorrow you're spoilt with breakfast in bed, a lie-in or something equally special.
I think now's a good opportunity to thank my own mum, cause, you know, I got a good one. I could thank her for her unconditional love and support, her faith in me, her patience, yada yada yada, cause she is all that. But since becoming a mum myself I can see some things that she really does need thanking for. Here they are:
* Cleaning copious amount of vomit – I'm what you might call a chucker. Always vomited at the drop of a hat. Mainly a nervous spewer, really. While I can count on one hand how many times my kids have thrown up, it was nearly a daily occurrence for me for many years. There was the time I chucked on the business man on the plane. When I threw up in the haunted house at Disneyland. I vomited every first day of each school year (and many in between) until year 12. I think I may have even spewed on Santa.
As a mum, I now realise how humiliating and plain disgusting this must have been for her! So, thank you Mum!
* Putting up with a child who got constantly lost – I must confess, as a young child I use to enjoy running off while at the shopping centre and getting the staff to announce my name over the loudspeaker. I did this each and every time we went to the shops for a long time. My attempts at getting my 15 minutes of fame at Bakersfield Kmart. Strange, I know.
So, apologies Mum and thanks for collecting me every time I got 'lost'.
* For indulging whatever 'phase' or obsession I went through – From watching Raggedy Ann and Andy daily when I was three; to listening to Beatles on replay; to watching James Dean and River Phoenix movies; to listening to grunge; to listening to Britpop. I'm sure there were many other 'obsessions' that I can't recall. My mum never complained or got bored of it. In fact, when I missed out on Pearl Jam tickets after camping out, my mum went and bought a ticket from a scalper for me – in the second row. How many mums do that for their teens?
So thank you, Mum. For all this and a whole lot more that you do for me and my family every day.
We love you!
I think now's a good opportunity to thank my own mum, cause, you know, I got a good one. I could thank her for her unconditional love and support, her faith in me, her patience, yada yada yada, cause she is all that. But since becoming a mum myself I can see some things that she really does need thanking for. Here they are:
* Cleaning copious amount of vomit – I'm what you might call a chucker. Always vomited at the drop of a hat. Mainly a nervous spewer, really. While I can count on one hand how many times my kids have thrown up, it was nearly a daily occurrence for me for many years. There was the time I chucked on the business man on the plane. When I threw up in the haunted house at Disneyland. I vomited every first day of each school year (and many in between) until year 12. I think I may have even spewed on Santa.
As a mum, I now realise how humiliating and plain disgusting this must have been for her! So, thank you Mum!
* Putting up with a child who got constantly lost – I must confess, as a young child I use to enjoy running off while at the shopping centre and getting the staff to announce my name over the loudspeaker. I did this each and every time we went to the shops for a long time. My attempts at getting my 15 minutes of fame at Bakersfield Kmart. Strange, I know.
So, apologies Mum and thanks for collecting me every time I got 'lost'.
* For indulging whatever 'phase' or obsession I went through – From watching Raggedy Ann and Andy daily when I was three; to listening to Beatles on replay; to watching James Dean and River Phoenix movies; to listening to grunge; to listening to Britpop. I'm sure there were many other 'obsessions' that I can't recall. My mum never complained or got bored of it. In fact, when I missed out on Pearl Jam tickets after camping out, my mum went and bought a ticket from a scalper for me – in the second row. How many mums do that for their teens?
So thank you, Mum. For all this and a whole lot more that you do for me and my family every day.
We love you!
Friday, 7 May 2010
Say it aint so
Why is that?
Is it intention? Perception? Or just chemistry?
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Everybody needs good neighbours
A few months ago, I wrote on the things I love about living in an inner suburb of Sydney, see here.
The past few weeks, I've really noticed what a great community I live in. It's not the stereotypical inner-city life, sure we had a murder here the other week, sure there's graffiti, sure people are often rushing around, but it's also friendly, caring and tight-knit. It's kind of what I imagine living in a country town is like, except with a grittier edge and good coffee!
I live in a cul-de-sac and we know all our neighbours. The girls and I go to the park across the road from our house and we know everyone there by name. Sometimes we walk past people in the street I'm sure I've never seen before and they call out: "Hi Corinne, hi Lil-lil, hi Goosey! Hope to see you at the park later!"
Sure there are a few little things that are different to most whitebread areas, such as my girls often have unusual conversations with an Italian nonna who speaks only in her native tongue and the girls reply in English. They seem to understand each other and always end their conversations with a big hug. There's also the fact that a few of their park playmates have two mums, but that's nothing new for our area. I think it gives us the best of all worlds.
Everyone looks out for one another, which is lovely. When Lil-lil was a newborn we had to drive her round for hours to get her to sleep, our lovely neighbours, with whom we share a wall, sat out and minded a car space for us [hey, it's the inner west, no-one has off-street parking!]. Our girls get birthday presents, Christmas presents and Easter presents from them. We've even been known to share a glass of wine over the back fence.
All of our local shopkeepers know us and the girls by name. One local dress shop even calls me to let me know when they've got new stock. They know how we like our coffee. Every time I walk up to the shops I always run into people I know and stop for a chat.
So when I hear people say: "People are too self-involved these days. There's no sense of community." I think, well they haven't been to my suburb.
We may not have neighbours return from the dead, we don't have affairs with each other and I don't know of any shady business deals happening down at the pub, but I think we could give Ramsay Street a run for its money. We even have a friendly labrador that plays a starring role in our drama.
Do you live in a friendly community? Or do you tend keep to yourself?
The past few weeks, I've really noticed what a great community I live in. It's not the stereotypical inner-city life, sure we had a murder here the other week, sure there's graffiti, sure people are often rushing around, but it's also friendly, caring and tight-knit. It's kind of what I imagine living in a country town is like, except with a grittier edge and good coffee!
I live in a cul-de-sac and we know all our neighbours. The girls and I go to the park across the road from our house and we know everyone there by name. Sometimes we walk past people in the street I'm sure I've never seen before and they call out: "Hi Corinne, hi Lil-lil, hi Goosey! Hope to see you at the park later!"
Sure there are a few little things that are different to most whitebread areas, such as my girls often have unusual conversations with an Italian nonna who speaks only in her native tongue and the girls reply in English. They seem to understand each other and always end their conversations with a big hug. There's also the fact that a few of their park playmates have two mums, but that's nothing new for our area. I think it gives us the best of all worlds.
Everyone looks out for one another, which is lovely. When Lil-lil was a newborn we had to drive her round for hours to get her to sleep, our lovely neighbours, with whom we share a wall, sat out and minded a car space for us [hey, it's the inner west, no-one has off-street parking!]. Our girls get birthday presents, Christmas presents and Easter presents from them. We've even been known to share a glass of wine over the back fence.
All of our local shopkeepers know us and the girls by name. One local dress shop even calls me to let me know when they've got new stock. They know how we like our coffee. Every time I walk up to the shops I always run into people I know and stop for a chat.
So when I hear people say: "People are too self-involved these days. There's no sense of community." I think, well they haven't been to my suburb.
We may not have neighbours return from the dead, we don't have affairs with each other and I don't know of any shady business deals happening down at the pub, but I think we could give Ramsay Street a run for its money. We even have a friendly labrador that plays a starring role in our drama.
Do you live in a friendly community? Or do you tend keep to yourself?
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Thrown a curve ball
I've recently discovered the series Mad Men (I know I'm a little slow on the uptake). I love it! While Skip is away for work I throw it in the DVD player and escape to '60s New York and the advertising world. It's my little indulgence and escape from reality. The storylines are great and the costumes completely gorgeous (seriously, why can't women and men dress like that anymore?).
One part that intrigues me and thrills me is that the women look like real women (ie not Hollywood stick figures). They're curvy, soft and gorgeous and there's not a Madonna-style sinewy arm in sight. It's fairly obvious that Ally McBeal's creator David E Kelly has nothing to do with this show. In the series' first episode even the strippers at a bachelor party have shapely thighs and soft tummies.
It's fairly sad that this fact is even worthy of a whole blog post, that it's so unusual to see women that aren't a size 0 on TV. While doing a little bit of net surfing, I discovered that the stars were told not to diet and even some of the slimmer actresses were made to pad up to create more curves.
Well, whatever, if you get a chance check out this little show.
One part that intrigues me and thrills me is that the women look like real women (ie not Hollywood stick figures). They're curvy, soft and gorgeous and there's not a Madonna-style sinewy arm in sight. It's fairly obvious that Ally McBeal's creator David E Kelly has nothing to do with this show. In the series' first episode even the strippers at a bachelor party have shapely thighs and soft tummies.
It's fairly sad that this fact is even worthy of a whole blog post, that it's so unusual to see women that aren't a size 0 on TV. While doing a little bit of net surfing, I discovered that the stars were told not to diet and even some of the slimmer actresses were made to pad up to create more curves.
Well, whatever, if you get a chance check out this little show.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
The dangling carrot
Well today is time for a little Corinne philosophy. Scary, I know. I've been prompted to write today because recently I've talked to so many people who have said things like: "When I get that new car, I'll be happy.", "When I get this great job, everything will be perfect.", "When I'm lose xkg, things will be so much better."; "When I find Mr/Miss Right everything will fall into place."
Do you know what I've discovered? While all these things may enrich your life, they aren't the keys to happiness.
Let me start from the beginning, when I discovered this idea. I remember thinking while doing my HSC (final year of high school) that once it was over, life would be so much easier. I thought I'd be arriving at the summit of Everest. Then I got to uni and realised that behind my HSC mountain was, in fact, another bigger mountain. As I've gone on in life, I've discovered that life is a series of mountains we climb, often getting bigger each time. It's like there's a dangling carrot, pulling us over the next hurdle.
I found this thought extremely depressing – life was just one hurdle after another. I then realised I had to change my perception. These things weren't hurdles they were just new hills on the walk of life. Instead of solely looking at the top of the next hill, you need to also take in the scenery around you and appreciate the journey. If you don't it's just going to be one hill after another.
There have been studies that have shown that after winning the lottery people will experience a period of increased happiness, but will then return to whatever the level of happiness they were in their life beforehand. I think this can apply to achieving anything in life.
It makes me sad to see people wishing their lives away. Waiting for a moment that will bring them this gift of happiness. The pressure they put upon it is huge and I doubt that once they achieve it they will be any happier long term. I don't believe there is any one thing that will offer true happiness, I believe you have to make it yourself, whatever your situation.
I have people say to me that I'm very lucky to have a nice husband and two lovely children. And I am, but I think I could still be happy if they hadn't come into my life. Being married is hard work, it's not a fairy tale romance which brings happily ever after. Being a mum is VERY hard work. While I love my kids with all my heart, there are plenty of moments where being a parent is plain boring, disgusting and exhausting. So it's not like I woke up one morning and found myself awash in happiness. I have to look beyond the poo, the snot, the vomit. Beyond the nagging, the arguments and the monotony. I'm sure if my life was different I would have to do the same thing.
I think the key is looking at what you've got right now – this very minute – and appreciate it. If you can't do that, then nothing will ever make you happy. We all have our struggles, life can be hard, disappointing and boring. But it can also be miraculous and wonderful. You've just go to look for it. Everyone has things in their life that make it special, don't wish them away.
So instead of focusing on that dangling carrot, take a look around and see the wonder that is already in your life. I'm not saying don't strive for a better life, just enjoy the beauty of the hill you're on now and it will make the next one all the more exquisite.
Image: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Do you know what I've discovered? While all these things may enrich your life, they aren't the keys to happiness.
Let me start from the beginning, when I discovered this idea. I remember thinking while doing my HSC (final year of high school) that once it was over, life would be so much easier. I thought I'd be arriving at the summit of Everest. Then I got to uni and realised that behind my HSC mountain was, in fact, another bigger mountain. As I've gone on in life, I've discovered that life is a series of mountains we climb, often getting bigger each time. It's like there's a dangling carrot, pulling us over the next hurdle.
I found this thought extremely depressing – life was just one hurdle after another. I then realised I had to change my perception. These things weren't hurdles they were just new hills on the walk of life. Instead of solely looking at the top of the next hill, you need to also take in the scenery around you and appreciate the journey. If you don't it's just going to be one hill after another.
There have been studies that have shown that after winning the lottery people will experience a period of increased happiness, but will then return to whatever the level of happiness they were in their life beforehand. I think this can apply to achieving anything in life.
It makes me sad to see people wishing their lives away. Waiting for a moment that will bring them this gift of happiness. The pressure they put upon it is huge and I doubt that once they achieve it they will be any happier long term. I don't believe there is any one thing that will offer true happiness, I believe you have to make it yourself, whatever your situation.
I have people say to me that I'm very lucky to have a nice husband and two lovely children. And I am, but I think I could still be happy if they hadn't come into my life. Being married is hard work, it's not a fairy tale romance which brings happily ever after. Being a mum is VERY hard work. While I love my kids with all my heart, there are plenty of moments where being a parent is plain boring, disgusting and exhausting. So it's not like I woke up one morning and found myself awash in happiness. I have to look beyond the poo, the snot, the vomit. Beyond the nagging, the arguments and the monotony. I'm sure if my life was different I would have to do the same thing.
I think the key is looking at what you've got right now – this very minute – and appreciate it. If you can't do that, then nothing will ever make you happy. We all have our struggles, life can be hard, disappointing and boring. But it can also be miraculous and wonderful. You've just go to look for it. Everyone has things in their life that make it special, don't wish them away.
So instead of focusing on that dangling carrot, take a look around and see the wonder that is already in your life. I'm not saying don't strive for a better life, just enjoy the beauty of the hill you're on now and it will make the next one all the more exquisite.
Image: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Monday, 3 May 2010
Snoozy time
Usually at this time of day I have some lunch and write my blog. The kids are having a rest and blogging is my time out. Today, however, I'm wrecked. I feel about 100. My poor, sweet eldest has suspected pneumonia and I sat up with her for most of the night trying to keep her comfortable. Skip had to go away early this morning for work for a few days. It never rains, it pours!
So I'm going to take the opportunity while my two are comfortably snoring away, to put my feet up and stare at a trashy mag and perhaps drift off myself.
See you tomorrow. x
So I'm going to take the opportunity while my two are comfortably snoring away, to put my feet up and stare at a trashy mag and perhaps drift off myself.
See you tomorrow. x
Shamless plug
I'm not one for plugging things on my blog, but this is a little different. Since I started blogging I found BabyMac, she's hilarious, lovely and has access to a kick-arse farm. We've bonded over kids who don't sleep, finding purpose in life and all thing pork. Not only is Beth a mighty talented lady, but she has a talented hubby too.
So talented, in fact, that he has a TV show starting tonight. Yep, a real, live TV show, like on the telly and everything. It's called I ROCK. My hubby made a TV show with his mates on the handycam that featured a lot of phone pranks on their friends, I suspect that I ROCK will be better (sorry, Skip).
It's a comedy about an indie rock band and has been filmed in Newtown and the Annandale Hotel (one of my fave places to see bands as a youngster). So, support a new Aussie show and a bloggy friend by watching I ROCK tonight - ABC2 @ 9pm.
So talented, in fact, that he has a TV show starting tonight. Yep, a real, live TV show, like on the telly and everything. It's called I ROCK. My hubby made a TV show with his mates on the handycam that featured a lot of phone pranks on their friends, I suspect that I ROCK will be better (sorry, Skip).
It's a comedy about an indie rock band and has been filmed in Newtown and the Annandale Hotel (one of my fave places to see bands as a youngster). So, support a new Aussie show and a bloggy friend by watching I ROCK tonight - ABC2 @ 9pm.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
And in the beginning
The delightful Heather from Travelling with 4 Kids has tagged me and asked that I repost my first blog post. It was a bit of a laugh re-reading it. I really had no idea what a blog was, truly no idea (though I don't know if I'm that much more knowledgeable now).
Seeing as I'm getting a little soppy, I'd like to say that blogging has been a saviour to my sanity. It's certainly improved my life in many ways. I've got to 'meet' a range of interesting and diverse people. It's let me look outside my four walls without having to leave them. All in all it's been a wonderful experience, so thank you to all of you who read my little ramblings. So here goes, my very first ever blog post back in July last year.
1) Beth from BabyMac
2) Pink Patent Mary Janes
3) Eleanor from From a Brookside
4) Quixotic Life
5) Megs from A Box of Tricks
Seeing as I'm getting a little soppy, I'd like to say that blogging has been a saviour to my sanity. It's certainly improved my life in many ways. I've got to 'meet' a range of interesting and diverse people. It's let me look outside my four walls without having to leave them. All in all it's been a wonderful experience, so thank you to all of you who read my little ramblings. So here goes, my very first ever blog post back in July last year.
To keep the love going, I'll tag some of my fave blogs and ask them to do the same:And so it begins...
Well I have to say I never thought I'd be the type of person to write a blog. After all, bloggers are egomaniacs who need to have the rest of the world read their every thought, every minute they have them, aren't they? Like those people who go on Big Brother or any other reality show. People who crave the limelight, people who need their 15 minutes of fame every 15 minutes... And yet here I am.I kept a diary as a lass. A couple actually. Just messy scrawl about the people I went to school with, who I liked that week and who I hated. I kept it hidden away it the back of drawer under a pile of cassettes so it would never see the light of day - so now writing my musings for all and sundry to read it just a little bit uncomfortable. Thinking about it now, I don't know why those diaries had to be 'hidden away'.I really have no idea what or who I am going to write about. It's probably going to complete crap, but hey, there may just be some moments of gold. If nothing else it will be a keepsake of memories for my two girls.Yes, the Lil-lil and Goosey are 2.5 and 1 years old. They make me ecstatic and make me crazy, but life is a whole lot fuller with them around.So a lot of posts will be about my adventures with them. My thoughts on the world. Delicious meals I've eaten and wines I've drunk. Plus other random musings.I put the little pic in above to show how Lil-lil and Goosey make my day. I hope it makes you warm and fuzzy inside too.
1) Beth from BabyMac
2) Pink Patent Mary Janes
3) Eleanor from From a Brookside
4) Quixotic Life
5) Megs from A Box of Tricks