Monday, 4 April 2011

And then there were five...

You may have sensed from my posts the past few weeks that I've been on a bit of a roller-coaster. A bit erratic. A bit distracted. There's a very good reason for this as I recently discovered that we're going to have another baby.

Yep, that's right. I've got a bun in the oven. I'm knocked up. The stork is due a visit. While we're extremely excited, having done it twice before we're also a little daunted and a little terrified too. This is partly due to the fact that it's all happened very suddenly. We decided to expand our family shortly after the new year and before we knew it I was pregnant. For some reason we thought it would take a while, why I don't know as it's never taken long before. I kept reading things that when you're 35 you only have a 10% chance of falling pregnant each month, so I decided I  had months to get used to the idea. I thought Lil-lil would be settled in big school and we'd have moved house long before the baby arrived.

Nature had other ideas and we got pregnant. Straight. Away. Best laid plans and all that.

Now things have sunk in and we're over the moon. The fear and shock have subsided and been replaced with excitement and joy (and nausea). It feels so right to be welcoming another little person into our family.

So The Daze of My Life is going to get a little bigger! Now, if you'd please pass a bucket and a glass of Dry Ginger Ale, I need a little lie down.


  1. Yay! Congratulations on this wonderful news! And good luck with the nausea too, hope it passes soon.

  2. Congratulations!
    Look forward to following your pregnancy. x

  3. Yay! What wonderful news! I suspected something was up ;). Looking forward to meeting number 3. Hope the morning sickness isn't giving you too much grief. xx

  4. Wow, congratulations, very exciting news. Take care of yourself and I hope the morning sickness is not too bad.

  5. Wow, congratulations, very exciting news. Take care of yourself and I hope the morning sickness is not too bad.

  6. Congratulations!!! Such fantastic news for you and your family. Enjoy this amazing time!! xx

  7. WOOOOHOOOOO MASSIVE congratulations on this exciting news Corinne! xx

  8. Fabulous news! Big congratulations!!!


  9. Congratulations Corinne!

    Ahhh, buckets and ginger ale. Being pregnant is beautiful ;)

  10. Congratulations - to you all.
    My preggo radar had bleeped here a few posts ago - so it still works then!!
    Hoping you feel better soon. Wonderful news. :-)

  11. Oh, HUGE congrats! That is too exciting. I'm looking forward to following your journey with Bub. ;) x


    Hope the 1st tri went quickly. Can't wait to be updated with your pregnancy. My 2nd one flew past so quick, I can't believe my little man is here now.

    Good luck!


  13. OH MAH GAW!!! Sweetheart that is just UNREAL ..... well done. Good for you. It's the meaning of life - I bet it's a boy.

    WOO-HOO!! xoxox

  14. Brilliant news! Congratulations. *dashing off to get you ginger biscuits*

  15. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! So glad to hear that the scan went well. This was ALL meant to be. Promise. Can't wait to join you on the journey. You shall be the one to prove to me that {perhaps} I can do this too? Thanks x

  16. Congratulations! Will be watching for bubba updates because I'm slightly obsessed with all things baby :)

    I ate packets and packets of travacalm ginger tablets - I can't stand ginger but was able to wash them straight down and get the benefits without too much taste :)

  17. That's really cool. A big congrats ... hopefully the nausea passes soon and you can enjoy those kicks shortly. xx

  18. Congrats! Fabulous news :) Such a blessing that it happened so quickly really. Wonderful! x

    What wonderful news!
    I am over the moon for you, Skip and the girls!!!!

    I suppose this means I'm coming to Sydney before you make it to the US? ;)

    Much love and best wishes ~

  20. Oh FABULOUS news! Big congratulations Corinne. Isn't nature amazing?? It sounds like it's happening how it should be and you watch, the other things will fall into place around it. Oh superb post to read at the end of a hard day, so happy for you :o)
    P.S. Licorice used to help with my EXTREME nausea during my pregnancies... but then again, some people can't stomach it at the best of times... so ginger ale might be the goer!

  21. yeah yeah yeah! but im sure you'll be shoutin a bigger yeah when the nausea calms down!! xxx

  22. The loveliest of news. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  23. Congratulations!!! I am still a bit freaked out over making it a party of five and I am 22 weeks! Happened quicker than I anticipated to, so I hear you. Best wishes for a smooth and sickness free 6 months or so!

  24. Congrats Corinne! That's lovely news. I'm so happy for you. I had my youngest baby at 35 and I cherished every moment of it. Hope the nausea clears up with the ginger ale.
    ... a blessed gift and the best news of the day!

  25. Congratulations!!!

  26. What delightful news, Corinne! I'm so happy for you. Best of luck with the rest of the pregnancy. J x


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